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News: A Meeting to Follow Up on the ‘Detailed Design of Pilot Courses’ at PSUT


A Meeting to Follow Up on the ‘Detailed Design of Pilot Courses’ at PSUT


A meeting for all Jordanian partner universities was held at Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) on 6 January 2014, to follow up on the ‘Detailed Design of Pilot Courses’. The partner universities engaged in detailed discussions that centered on the development of curriculum of the six proposed courses: Energy Conversion, Renewable Energy Systems, Photovoltaics, Solar Thermal Energy, Wind Energy, and Drives and Machines. The meeting concluded with the parties agreeing on specific delegation of responsibilities and an action plan for the submission of the completed curriculum designs after completion of academic visits to EU partner universities.




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Created at 1/8/2014 9:42 PM by System Account
Last modified at 3/8/2015 7:17 PM by System Account